Monday, November 28, 2011

度假 Vacation

We have new product this week. It is being produced. Coming soon.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

弄東西 Something are making now.

敬請期待  coming soon

Friday, November 11, 2011

陶瓷軸承 Ceramic Bearing

圖一 悠九製作的陶瓷軸承
Figure 1. Bearings by Yonitty.
    This ceramic bearing is specially made by Yonity. The materiel of outer race and inner race are stainless steel. The balls are made of silicon nitride (it is a kind of ceramics). And the retainer is made of Teflon. When the bearing is spinning, the Teflon retainer can provide a little lubricant film. It smooths the spin. A ceramic bearing gives it the least friction. It will be your best choice.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

傑 coming soon

   We are manufacturing Jei now. Coming soon.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

溜溜球是怎麼設計的? How did the yo-yo designed?

圖一 溜溜球的素描草圖
Figure 1. The sketch of yo-yo.
How did the yo-yo designed? Most players thought that just like interior design. To draw a sketch (Fig 1.), and make it real. However, it is not so simple. Generally, most factories would make many yo-yos which are similar. And give those to the expert player to test. Finally, they would manufacture the yo-yo which the expert thought that was best of those. Even so, this procedure is not so scientific. This is the way of development about 20 several years ago.